Author Archives: admin

Copper Rose Ring Box

Well, there’s a story to be told here…this is the copper rose box I made for my wife’s engagement ring.  I gave it (with the ring) to her on a fine and snowy Thanksgiving morning when we were visiting her family in Connecticut.  We were on our way out to run an errand, and I told her I wanted to show her a flower that was growing through the snow back behind the old red barn.  It was a magnificent morning…brilliant sunlight and … Continue reading

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Staircase Handrails

Ever heard of the Tchefuncte River? That’s pronounced “chuh-funk-tuh,” for those of you, like my wife, who are not from around these parts. The Tchefuncte passes through Tangipahoa, Washington, and St. Tammany Parishes before emptying into Lake Ponchartrain, across from New Orleans. It hits Madisonville about two miles north of the lake. Madisonville is one of the prettiest little river communities we have ever seen. Quaint, historic, marine…a great spot for enjoying a meal outside or an evening stroll. Through … Continue reading

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Custom Hand Made Wrought Iron Pot Rack

I installed a custom, iron pot rack for a homeowner in St. Louis, Missouri. He and his fiancée were in the midst of remodeling their home. Their style was very traditional, and they needed a piece in their kitchen that would anchor the room as well as provide a needed function…getting all the pots safely but accessibly stowed! My client and I spent hours on the phone discussing the design for this rack. He had some particular specs it needed … Continue reading

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